Here are some tips for you guys.
First of all most, healthy diet/food, water, air and sleep is important. Try sleep before 11pm and wake up at 6pm for 30 minutes “morning walk” for fresh air.
Drinking water is important. Say no to RO water especially that refills from machine outside those shops or some water filter that filter-out RO water. RO water is a pure water for external usage and not for internal used. A person will lose more minerals from body if taking RO water, especially lost a lots of calcium magnesium (one of the main ingredient for healthy hair). Since RO water is an incomplete water, when it goes into human body, it will combine with minerals that inside your body and pass out as urine. You will face hair lost, bone problem and others health problems after long period of drinking RO water.
Also do not drink too much of water that got chlorine. Boiling water is not the solution to solve water problem, it will actually make things worst where it got no nutrient at all in the water. Take mineral water instead of other “useless water”. To know which kind of water filter is providing mineral water, drop me a comment and asked.
Food is another problem nowadays. Reduce red meat intake and carbohydrate food such as noodles, flour and rice. If it is possible, stop taking sugar and too much of salt. Balance your diet with more fruits and vegetables.
Hair loss occurs when the diet is inadequate in the B vitamins - especially B3, B5, B6 and iron folic; and the minerals – calcium magnesium, sulfur and zinc. Protein is important for hair growth.
Essential fatty acids such as salmon omega, seed oil and flower-type oil can improve hair texture and prevent dryness and brittle hair. Bio-C can make your hair more thick.
Where to get the right amount of Vitamin B?
Foods that rich in B vitamins include beans, peas, carrots, cauliflower, soy beans, nutritional yeast, bran, nuts and eggs. But it is hard for us to consume that much of B vitamins daily, so I personally recommended taking B-complex supplement where it provide the right amount of B vitamins for our daily needs, just in tablet.
Recommended way to used supplement:
- 2 tablets of Bio-C 2 time daily
- 2 tablets of B-complex 2 time daily
- 2 tablets calcium magnesium 2 times daily
- 1 tablet of Iron Folic 2 times a day
- 1 scope of protein powder 2 times daily
- (Optional) Coenzyme Q10 one per day
** Drop me a comment to know which brand of supplement is suitable and easy absorb by human body. DO NOT simply choose the brand because it might harm your body instead of having the right effects.
*** Watch-out for those who want to boost sales instead of giving you the best supplement products. Many products claim it is good form organic farm but because it without quality control over processing and delivery, it might damage the products indirectly. Go for product that provides money back guarantee even after used.