25 May 2008

21 May 2008

H.Pylori & Peptic Ulcer

What is a peptic ulcer?

A peptic ulcer is a sore on the lining of the stomach or duodenum, which is the beginning of the small intestine. Peptic ulcers are common: 1 in 10 Americans and 3 in 10 Malaysian develops an ulcer at some time in his or her life. One cause of peptic ulcer is bacterial infection, but some ulcers are caused by long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs), like aspirin and ibuprofen. In a few cases, cancerous tumors in the stomach or pancreas can cause ulcers. Peptic ulcers are not caused by stress or eating spicy food, but these can make ulcers worse.

What is H. pylori?

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a type of bacteria. Researchers believe that H. pylori is responsible for the majority of peptic ulcers.

H. pylori infection is common in the World. About 30 percent of people under 40 years old and half of those over 60 years have it. Most infected people, however, do not develop ulcers. Why H. pylori does not cause ulcers in every infected person is not known.

Most likely, infection depends on characteristics of the infected person, the type of H. pylori, and other factors yet to be discovered.

Researchers are not certain how people contract H. pylori, but they think it may be through food or water.

Researchers have found H. pylori in the saliva of some infected people, so the bacteria may also spread through mouth-to-mouth contact such as kissing.

How does H. pylori cause a peptic ulcer?

H. pylori weakens the protective mucous coating of the stomach and duodenum, which allows acid to get through to the sensitive lining beneath. Both the acid and the bacteria irritate the lining and cause a sore, or ulcer.

H. pylori is able to survive in stomach acid because it secretes enzymes that neutralize the acid. This mechanism allows H. pylori to make its way to the "safe" area—the protective mucous lining. Once there, the bacterium's spiral shape helps it burrow through the lining.

What are the symptoms of an ulcer?

Abdominal discomfort is the most common symptom. This discomfort usually:

  • is a dull, gnawing ache
  • comes and goes for several days or weeks
  • occurs 2 to 3 hours after a meal
  • occurs in the middle of the night—when the stomach is empty
  • is relieved by eating
  • is relieved by antacid medications

Other symptoms include

  • weight loss
  • poor appetite
  • bloating
  • burping
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • Some people experience only very mild symptoms, or none at all.

Emergency Symptoms

If you have any of these symptoms, call your doctor right away:

  • sharp, sudden, persistent stomach pain
  • bloody or black stools
  • bloody vomit or vomit that looks like coffee grounds

They could be signs of a serious problem, such as

  • perforation—when the ulcer burrows through the stomach or duodenal wall
  • bleeding—when acid or the ulcer breaks a blood vessel
  • obstruction—when the ulcer blocks the path of food trying to leave the stomach

How To Cure

There is only one way to cure, if you consult any doctors in the world which is either give Antibiotic or Drugs. Both of this medication will bring harm to our body in future (side effects) expecially to our organs such as kidney and liver.

But there is another way to solve this problem if you consult nutritionist. They will advice you to clean your stomach (detox - as you can get the detail in my blog) and drink more NUTRI-BIFIDUS (the only good bacteira that can land until your intestine (the whole digestion system). Some people belive Yogult drinks can help, but the good bacteria from it can only reach your colon and not the whole digestion system, plus during the delivery of the products, most hte good bacteira already death due to the heat. For furthe infomation, you can left your comment or e-mail to: jeffery_hiew2005@hotmail.com and I'll get back to you as soon as posible.

17 May 2008

13 May 2008

Prostate Problems?

How it develops

In newborn boys the prostate is about the size of a pea. It grows very slowly until puberty. Then it doubles in size in a dramatic growth spurt. When a man reaches his 40s it begins to increase in size again. Various hormones control its growth and function. The most important is the male sex hormone, testosterone.

Signs of a problem

The most common sign of a prostate problem is difficulty in passing urine. Changes in the prostate narrow the urethra, the tube which carries urine from the bladder. You might experience:

  • a weak flow
  • ntermittency – a flow which stops and starts
  • hesitancy – having to wait before you start to go
  • frequency – having to urinate more often than previously
  • urgency – finding it difficult to postpone urination
  • nocturia – having to get up at night to urinate

What causes it?

Most theories involve the male hormone testosterone. It's possible that the cells in the prostate gradually become more sensitive to a related hormone, dihydrotestosterone, with ageing. Genetic, dietary or environmental factors may also be involved.

How can I prevent it?

Increase your intake of fruit and vegetables. Cut down on milk, red meat and sources of saturated fat. Consult you doctors or nutritionist.

12 May 2008

Are You Clean Inside?

"Death Begins In The Colon"

Look at the picture above. How would you feel if long pieces of old toxin-filled fecal matter were stuck to the inside of your colon for years? Would you feel constipated, bloated and lethargic? Would your bowels be irritated by this build-up day in and day out causing what we today call IBS? Just think about what other problems toxic build-up like this can cause? Stomach pain and constipation? Fatigue, gas and bloating? Headaches and indigestion? Weight gain and a large protruding belly? Lack of sleep, irritation and restlessness? The list is almost endless. As the Vegetarian Times so aptly wrote:

"Of all the polite topics of conversation, the state of one's intestines is probably at the bottom of most people's lists. Let's face it: Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, gas, diverticulitis and colon cancer are simply not things we like to discuss. And yet, as the old expression goes, death begins in the colon. Don't believe it? Ask any coroner. Autopsies often reveal colons that are plugged up to 80 percent with waste material." - Vegetarian Times, March, 1998

The Truth About Colon Cleansing

You can stop suffering in silence by learning how body pollution and a toxic colon can be the cause of many common ailments. Any ideas that:

  • Why it is crucial to cleanse and detoxify your body regularly.

  • How to properly cleanse your colon and detoxify your organs.

  • What benefits you will experience and how your life will change for the better.

What You Must Know About Body Pollution

We are all exposed to thousands of toxins and chemicals on a daily basis at work, in the home, through the air we breathe, our food and water supply, and through the use of pharmaceutical drugs. In addition, we are eating more sugar and processed foods than ever before in human history and regularly abuse our bodies with various stimulants and sedatives.If you never wondered or cared much about the pollution around us, it's time to change your views and start paying attention to this problem. For decades, scientists have been studying the pollutants in our air, water, food, and soil. U.S. industries manufacture over 6 trillion pounds of 9,000 different chemicals a year.

They dump billions of pounds of industrial chemicals into our air and water year after year. So now scientists have started to exmine pollution levels in human and their findings are deeply disturbing. Research clearly proves that our bodies are not capable of eliminating all the different toxins and chemicals we inhale and ingest every day. They simply accumulate in our cells (especially fat cells), tissues, blood, organs (such as the colon, liver and brain) and remain stored for an indefinite length of time causing all kinds of health problems.

I can't show you a picture of what this pollution build-up looks like in the brain or the liver, but I can show you what it looks like in the colon as like below:

What You Must Know About Parasites

All the toxins and 'dead' processed foods lead to poor digestion causing a toxic build-up in the body, including the colon. This toxic waste material in the colon then frequently turns into - in the words of National Geographic - "a sinister world of monstrous creatures that feed on living flesh: parasites".

Discover magazine published a feature article in its August 2000 issue:

"Every living thing has at least one parasite that lives inside or on it, and many, including humans, have far more. ...Scientists...are only just beginning to discover exactly how powerful these hidden inhabitants can be, but their research is pointing to a remarkable possibility: Parasites may rule the world. The notion that tiny creatures we've largely taken for granted are such a dominant force is immensely disturbing. ...We are collections of cells that work together, kept harmonized by chemical signals. If an organism can control those signals - an organism like a parasite - then it can control us. And therein lies the peculiar and precise horror of parasites."The combination of environmental toxins, an unhealthy diet and parasites poses a grave danger to humans. "In fact, parasites have killed more humans than all the wars in history", reported National Geographic in its award-winning documentary, The Body Snatchers. If you don't believe parasites can exist in people in America, then just read the thousands of true personal stories on this site. You will soon realize that this is a much bigger problem than you ever thought possible.

When Do You Need Internal Cleansing?

If this is the first time you've been exposed to this life-changing information, you've probably never considered this simple question: Are you clean inside? Of course you take care of the outside: You shower, brush your teeth and wash your hair on a regular basis, but do you clean yourself inside? In this modern, toxic world it's becoming a simple fact of life that our colon (the ‘sewer system' of the body), liver and other organs also require regular cleaning. Just like a car requires an oil change periodically.

How do you know when it's time to free your body of accumulated toxins, parasites and other waste materials? If you experience one or more of the following, then it's time to detoxify:

  1. Frequent fatigue and low energy
  2. Flatulence, gas & bloating
  3. Excess weight
  4. Food allergies
  5. Impaired digestion
  6. Irritability, mood swings
  7. Bad breath & foul-smelling stools
  8. Parasites in stool
  9. Recurring headaches
  10. Constipation
  11. Irritable bowels
  12. Protruding belly ("pooch")
  13. Powerful food cravings
  14. Skin problems, rashes, etc...
  15. Metallic taste in mouth
  16. Candida infection

So How Do You Properly Detoxify Your Body?

There are many ways to detoxifiy your body and do not simply believe on those saleman, because each person has different level of body toxic. If your body is not too toxic but you use a strong detox way, it will end up damaging your organs/health.

Drop me a mail or commenet for further discussion or information...

Why Suppliment & not natural foods?





Maintaining healthy KIDNEY

I'm writing this for someone with a big heart. Someone whom I get to know better through someone he loves and cares a lot. For some people, they may think it only happens in TV shows or movies. But I think, if you get to see it in the screen, definitely, someone has experienced it before.

These supplements are recommended for someone who are experiencing renal failure. And me myself is facing kidney problems during year 2000 and recovered within one year. I hope these supplements will help whoever out there to improve their health tremendously:

  1. Nutri Bifidus - Especially for those who are taking anti-biotics.
  2. Protein powder - helping you to repair and build new cells that already damaged.
  3. B-complex - Reduce fluid retention and improve metabolism.
  4. Bio-C - Boosts immune system and improve healing.
  5. Milk Thistle - Improve Liver function and aids excretion of kidney's waste.
  6. Double X - Proper mineral balance (more info: http://jeffhck.blogspot.com/2008/05/why-suppliment-not-natural-foods.html ).

Diet of a renal failure person must be very careful. Any toxins that go into the body will affect the Liver and that will eventually increase the load to the Kidney. The failure of the kidney is due to the Liver. And with renal failure, kidney is unable to cleanse the blood and the toxic blood flow backs to the Liver and affects it tremendously and thus, it becomes a vicious cycle. This is why kidney dialysis is required.

  • It is critical to have a diet of 75% raw foods. Eat vegetables and fruits at room temperature. Always eat fruits before anything. Any indigestion will lead to toxic build up. BTW, eat organic.
  • Protein is important. It contains arginine that is beneficial to kidney. The best way to recoved form kidney problems is to pump in mroe protein but most doctor will not recommanded because it is very expensive, plus it is a wastage for them because kidney patient will urine out their body protein.
  • Reduce intake of animal protein.
  • Do not use any table salt or potassium chloride. Reduce your intake of potassium and phosphates.
  • Avoid seafood that has no scales. Squids and Crabs are good examples.
  • Drinks lots of Mineral Water (best from e-spring) and this should be your only source of fluid. IMPORTANT : donot take any RO water.
  • Avoid all diary products and do not take any anti-biotic.

A renal failure person should make some adjustment to their Nutrition Breakfast which contains mroe then 44 types, combination of Minerals, Vitamins & Plants consentration (drop me a comment if you wish to know the ingredients).

Remember, eat raw and eat more, but eat less. Eat many more meals per day but eat less portion of it. Eat more organic whenever it is possible. Alway room temperature

10 May 2008

Loan sharks abduct debtor’s brother

PETALING JAYA: Three loan sharks kidnapped a 42-year-old man on Thursday and demanded that his family pay half the amount owed to them by his brother.

The Ah Long abducted the man from his home at 7.30pm.

The victim was taken to a house 500m away in Seri Damansara and locked in a room.
His captors called his family and demanded they pay RM10,000.

Police raided the house where the victim was being held at 2.30am yesterday, arresting one of the moneylenders.

The victim was unharmed and police were still looking for the remaining two suspects.

District OCPD Asst Comm Arjunaidi Mohd said the victim’s 45-year-old brother had gone missing over a year ago after borrowing RM20,000 from the loan sharks to feed his gambling habit.

He said suspect would be investigated for wrongful confinement

09 May 2008

08 May 2008

Safe Sex

Funny Videos

Online knowing friends

07 May 2008

How to choose a safe adn healthy suppliment?

Today, when you walk down the pharmacy and supermarket, you can find one-hundreds and one health supplement product on shelf. But which of them are effective and most important safe.

There are mainly 3 types of health supplement:

  1. Synthetic - man-made vitamin, extracted from Lab.
  2. Natural - Not fully organic, there is still some unnatural process involve in production
  3. Organic

Out of these 3 types, don't waste your money on the synthetic vitamin. Your body can only absorb 30%-60% of the vitamin value.

If you have to choose one, go for the Organic Type. It might be slightly expensive but they are definitely a wiser and healthier choice.

There are few important things that you msut consider when choosing a suppliment:

  • The product is froma satisfied organic farm (recognize by WHO)
  • The way they growth the plant is in right ways and using high quality technologies
  • The brand is well-known for at least more then 10 years
  • The process of making suppliment is in quality control (quality control by the same company fromt eh seeds till the end packaging)
  • The ingredient are safe to consume, especially those multi-vitamins or combined ingredients suppliments

WATCHOUT, for the fake and lier brand...!!!

Many brand claim that they have lots of professor and researcher to do research on their products and safe to consume by everyone. PLEASE do your your common sense, if there are really that much of people researching a pill, will you think they can afford to pay them? Plus, will the suppliment cost become cheaper then those branded?

Moreover, there are many people just want to push their slaes so they will simply asking you to take this and that for health but ends up you will beocme more worst or death (as we can see in newspapers).

And many company claim that they pattented their product, but do not forget, they only pattented only one particular item, and not all their products are safe to consume ot have copyright. Plus, it is not easy to pattent their products.

Many companies do not used high quality technology to process their products and sub-out to other company to process it, but yet they claims that their products are using high quality technology adn have quality controls.

So, be smart to choose and choose wise. DO NOT choose soemhting that is CHEAP so I buy it. Do nto forget, this suppliment is go into your body, not apply on the surface of your skin where if you feel not nice, you can wash it. BEWARE!

How to lose weight without suffering?

Many people want to lose weight but yet want the easy way. Therefore many people start to take diet replacement meal, carbohydrate blocker pills and etc...

But asked yourself, does it really works?

If you asked me, the answer is YES but the moment you stop taking, you weigth increase rapidly.

To lose weight without suffering there are 3 important nutrients that we need to convert to energy:

  1. Carbohydrates
  2. Fats
  3. Protein

Carbohydrates take about 2 hours to digest fully, and the balance that haven't digest, will convert to fats and store under the skin.

Fats on the other hand takes about 3-4 hours to digest fully. Therefore compare to carbohydrates, your energy level will last longer.

Protein is among all the bestsource of energy as it will take 6 hours and mroe to digest fully. that is why if you eat meat, you will not easily feel hungry.

  • Cut down carbohydrates intake (flour, rice, noodles, mee and etc...). Replace it with fruits and vegetables.
  • Take high protein but low fat food (protein from beans is the best)
  • Stop Snacking.
  • Eat lesser per meal but increase the number of meals to keep the metabolism high at all times.
  • Do simple exercise at least twice a weeks for 20 minutes.
  • Drink more water (if posible, mineral water adn DO NOT CONSUME RO WATER)

Do you know that why people say that bird nest is best for health? If you want to knwo the answer for it, do drop me a mail or comment or if you have any questions do feel free to drop mea message.

Real life experience,

I have lose 11kg within 9 days without any health problems or side effect, plus ina easy ways. If anyone of you wnat to know the tips, drop em a message... jeffery_hiew2005@hotmail.com

Church Bells

Church Bells

On hearing that her elderly grandfather had just passed away, Katie went straight to her grandparent's house to visit her 95 year old grandmother and comfort her.When she asked how her grandfather had died, her grandmother replied, "He had a heart attack while we were making love on Sunday morning."Horrified, Katie told her grandmother that 2 people nearly 100 years old having sex would surely be asking for trouble."Oh no, my dear, " replied granny.
"Many years ago, realizing our advanced age, we figured out the best time to do it was when the church bells would start to ring. It was just the right rhythm. Nice and slow and even. Nothing too strenuous, simply in on the Ding and out on the Dong."She paused, wiped away a tear and then continued, "And if that damned ice cream truck hadn't come along, he'd still be alive today!"

Girls Night Out

Girls night out

Two women friends had gone out for a Girls Night Out, and had been decidedly over-enthusiastic on the cocktails. Incredibly drunk and walking home they suddenly realized they both needed to pee. They were very near a graveyard and one of them suggested they do their business behind a headstone or something. The first woman had nothing to wipe with so she took off her panties, used them and threw them away. Her friend however was wearing an expensive underwear set and didn't want to ruin hers, but was lucky enough to salvage a large ribbon from a wreath that was on a grave and proceeded to wipe herself with it. After finishing, they made their way home.The next day the first woman's husband phones the other husband and said, "These damn girls nights out have got to stop. My wife came home last night without her panties." "That's nothing," said the other. "Mine came back with a sympathy card stuck between the cheeks of her butt that said, 'From all of us at the Fire Station, Well never forget you!'

Washing Machine Jokes

In this new era, many couples do not wish their children to know what sex is. Once upon a time, there is a family living happily with the members of father, mother and a 6 years old son. To make sure their son do not asking much question about sex, they agree to used keyword “Washing-machine” as the meaning of want to have sex.

One day, Father and mother were arguing on something. Both them was ignoring each other for a whole day. On the following day, father feels horny and would want to have sex with mother. To test out mother whether still angry with him, he asked his son to go and asked mother some question… “Son, go tell mummy that father want to use Washing-Machine, can or not?”. After few minutes, the son come back with answer…”Mummy say Washing-Machine was in repairing mode, not allowed to used”

After a few hours later, mother feels horny now. She calls her son to ask his father whether father still wants to use Washing-Machine or not because it had been fixed. Few minutes later, the son comes back with answer…” Daddy say fixed already also no used because Daddy already wash with HAND”…

Hope you understand…!!!

The Important of Breakfast 3

Everyone knows that breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. To "break a fast" means to end a long period when someone hasn't taken in any food, such as when they have slept all night. Starting the day without breakfast is like driving a car without stopping to fill up the gas tank. Children who eat breakfast tend to have longer attention spans and to do better in school. In addition, they are less likely to be overweight and less likely to have behavior problems. Unfortunately, many children do not eat breakfast.

It is very important that every child (and adult for that matter) eats breakfast every day. Often-reported reasons for skipping breakfast include not having enough time, not liking traditional breakfast foods, and not feeling like eating early in the morning. Fortunately, you can make time for breakfast, eat nontraditional breakfast foods and eat breakfast later in the morning.

Although mornings can be busy times, there are things you can do to help make everything run more smoothly, so there is enough time for breakfast.

Do some of your morning chores the night before, such as selecting clothes to wear, signing permission slips and putting homework in backpacks.

Set the table with breakfast dishes and nonperishable food items, such as dry cereal, bread and bagels.

If adults in the home drink coffee, get the coffee pot ready to run the night before and then just hit the "on" switch in the morning.

Make sure all family members are assigned chores to do in the morning. Do not turn on the television set.

In addition, breakfast does not need much preparation time. There are lots of fast, easy foods that can provide a healthy start to the day. For ideas, see the list of breakfast suggestions below or leave your comment here and I will reply you on "ways to prepare suitalbe and health Breakfast wiht only 15 minutes".

Try A Variety Of Foods For Breakfast

Although cereals, pancakes and waffles are felt to be traditional breakfast foods, in fact, any food can be eaten for breakfast, including last night's dinner. Breakfast simply refers to the morning meal after the nighttime fast, and not to specific foods. As part of a well-balanced diet, breakfast should provide a significant portion of the day’s nutrients. Using the food pyramid as a guide to healthy eating, a nutritious breakfast typically includes foods from three or four of the five food groups:

One serving of fruit: fresh whole fruit (bananas, apples, oranges, strawberries, grapes), fruit salad, sliced fruit (added to cereal, yogurt, oatmeal), canned fruit, fruit juice

One or two servings of grains: whole-grain breads, dry cereal, oatmeal, English muffins, bagels, muffins, pancakes, waffles, flour tortillas, rice, potatoes

One serving from the dairy group: reduced-fat or nonfat milk, yogurt, cheese

One serving from the meat group: eggs, lean meat, peanut butter, beans, tofu

Some children say they are not hungry in the morning because their stomachs seem to wake up more slowly than the rest of their bodies. Getting up 10 minutes earlier may give their appetites time to wake up; in some cases, breakfast can be served later. Send breakfast foods that travel well in the car or on the school bus. Purchase breakfast at school, if available.

Some children simply are not hungry for traditional breakfast foods. In this case, try offering a variety of nontraditional foods for breakfast, including leftovers from dinner.
  • Whole-grain cereal with fruit and reduced-fat milk
  • Whole-wheat toast, eggs, and juice or reduced-fat milk
  • Fried egg and reduced-fat cheese on whole-wheat toast
  • Oatmeal with raisins and reduced-fat milk
  • Waffles, turkey bacon and juice
  • Low-fat yogurt with fruit and granola
  • Bagel with cheese or peanut butter
  • Fruit smoothie: fruit and milk or yogurt mixed together in a blender
  • Bagel, string cheese and an apple
  • Whole-wheat toast, hard-boiled egg and fruit
  • Turkey sandwich and reduced-fat milk
  • Leftover pizza and juice
  • Breakfast burrito: scrambled eggs, cheese and veggies wrapped in a flour tortilla
  • Peanut butter and jelly sandwich and reduced-fat milk
  • Grilled cheese sandwich and juice

"A right breakfast msut contains of minimum 40 types of CONSENTRATIONS, VATIMINS & MINERALS"

Do you have such time to prepare for such a breakfast? And do you have such time to finished it off before heading to work? If you wnat to know the fast and effective way, leave uyou comment and e-mail here, I will reply you as soon as I read it.

05 May 2008

Breakfast Reduces Diabetes & Heart Disease

Proper Morning Meal May Reduce Obesity, Other Health Risks By 50%
Mom was right in saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Researchers report that breakfast-eaters are far less likely to be obese or have diabetes or heart disease.

A daily breakfast may reduce the risk of becoming obese or developing signs that can lead to diabetes -- called insulin resistance syndrome -- by 35% to 50% compared with skipping the morning meal, say researchers. The study has tracked for 10 years the dietary habits of more than 2,900 Americans between ages 18 and 30 who live in four U.S. cities.

Insulin resistance syndrome is a metabolic disorder in which the body doesn't use blood sugar (glucose), efficiently, significantly boosting the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. This syndrome is characterized by a combination of several factors, including obesity, high amounts of abdominal fat, high blood pressure, and elevated blood sugar or insulin levels. It can elevate triglycerides and reduce levels of "good" HDL cholesterol.

"The take-home message of this particular finding suggests that if you're trying to control or lose weight and lower risk factors of heart disease, not eating breakfast is not a good option," says researcher Linda Van Horn, PhD, MPH, RN, of Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine. "Unlike what most people may think, in trying to lose weight by cutting out foods, calories, and meals ... people who have breakfast in the morning do better. At the end of the day, they wind up eating fewer calories, and less saturated fat and cholesterol and have better overall nutritional status than people who skip that meal."

Although this finding -- presented at the American Heart Association's annual conference on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention -- only looked at the importance of breakfast itself, these researchers have previously investigated the best type of morning meal to protect against these health risks.

Their recommendation: A bowl of whole-grain cereal. In a previous study, Van Horn compared whole grain cereal to other breakfast foods -- including refined "kid" cereals, breads, and other carbohydrates typically consumed for breakfast. "Whole-grain cereals were the predominant food that had a positive association, whereas other foods did not," she says.

The researchers found that overall, nearly half of whites surveyed and only one in four blacks reported eating a daily breakfast. "We have started looking at what people are eating when they eat breakfast, which led to our finding that eating whole-grain cereal each day was associated with a 15% reduction in risk for the insulin resistance syndrome," lead researcher Mark A. Pereira, PhD, of Children's Hospital in Boston, says in a prepared statement.

In past research, published in 1999, Van Horn and her colleagues found that the fiber in whole-grain cereals may protect against obesity and heart disease by improving blood sugar and cholesterol levels. And last April, they also found that dairy foods may improve insulin resistance. Insulin resistance occurs when the body begins to lose its ability to respond the hormone insulin, which is needed to convert blood sugar to energy.

"These whole-grain cereals provide a good quality source of dietary fiber that is difficult to get in other meals of the day because the concentration of fiber in whole-grain cereal is so much higher than you'd find in bread or other foods," Van Horn tells WebMD. "Perhaps the only other food that rivals it would be beans. So unless you're having minestrone at lunch, perhaps the only other way to get as much fiber as you can is in a bowl of whole-grain cereal."

Whole-grain cereals are particularly good sources of soluble fiber -- the type associated with reduced risk of heart disease. That's because soluble fiber forms a gel-like material that prevents cholesterol and saturated fats from entering the bloodstream, where they can collect and form plaques on artery walls. The insoluble fiber in these cereals, meanwhile, helps keep bowel movement regular and may help reduce risk of colon problems.

These "heart-healthy" cereals list whole grain or bran as their first ingredient and contain at least 2 grams of dietary fiber per serving. Among the most fibrous choices are bran cereal and oatmeal, which contain at least 7 grams per serving -- about one-quarter of the recommended daily intake. Van Horn says that whole-grain cereals, which are typically fortified, also contain hefty amounts of vitamins C, E and various B vitamins, as well as folic acid and various phytochemicals -- nutrients that have been implicated with reducing heart disease risk and other health problems.
(From: WebMD Inc)
