07 May 2008

How to choose a safe adn healthy suppliment?

Today, when you walk down the pharmacy and supermarket, you can find one-hundreds and one health supplement product on shelf. But which of them are effective and most important safe.

There are mainly 3 types of health supplement:

  1. Synthetic - man-made vitamin, extracted from Lab.
  2. Natural - Not fully organic, there is still some unnatural process involve in production
  3. Organic

Out of these 3 types, don't waste your money on the synthetic vitamin. Your body can only absorb 30%-60% of the vitamin value.

If you have to choose one, go for the Organic Type. It might be slightly expensive but they are definitely a wiser and healthier choice.

There are few important things that you msut consider when choosing a suppliment:

  • The product is froma satisfied organic farm (recognize by WHO)
  • The way they growth the plant is in right ways and using high quality technologies
  • The brand is well-known for at least more then 10 years
  • The process of making suppliment is in quality control (quality control by the same company fromt eh seeds till the end packaging)
  • The ingredient are safe to consume, especially those multi-vitamins or combined ingredients suppliments

WATCHOUT, for the fake and lier brand...!!!

Many brand claim that they have lots of professor and researcher to do research on their products and safe to consume by everyone. PLEASE do your your common sense, if there are really that much of people researching a pill, will you think they can afford to pay them? Plus, will the suppliment cost become cheaper then those branded?

Moreover, there are many people just want to push their slaes so they will simply asking you to take this and that for health but ends up you will beocme more worst or death (as we can see in newspapers).

And many company claim that they pattented their product, but do not forget, they only pattented only one particular item, and not all their products are safe to consume ot have copyright. Plus, it is not easy to pattent their products.

Many companies do not used high quality technology to process their products and sub-out to other company to process it, but yet they claims that their products are using high quality technology adn have quality controls.

So, be smart to choose and choose wise. DO NOT choose soemhting that is CHEAP so I buy it. Do nto forget, this suppliment is go into your body, not apply on the surface of your skin where if you feel not nice, you can wash it. BEWARE!

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